Report Author :
n.b. This is a preliminary report. A full detailed report will be published in due time.
If you are a victim and want to take the survey you can do so here :
“A weapon system that operates at the speed of light, that can kill, torture, enslave and escape detection.” ~Harlan Girard
Background to the Survey
The Ultimate Weapon
“Electromagnetic weapons [Directed Energy Weapons] operate at the speed of light; they can kill, torture and enslave; but the public are largely unaware that they exist, because these weapons operate by stealth and leave no physical evidence. Electromagnetic weapons have been tested on human beings since 1976.
By widely dispersing the involuntary human test-subjects, and vehemently attacking their credibility, it has been possible for the
This ultimate weapon system is currently being deployed in
“A secret crime wave is sweeping the
- Migraine Headaches / Muscle Cramps / Cancer
- Heart Attack / Brain Embolism / Partial Blindness
- Blurred and Degeneration of Vision / Sleep Deprivation
- Uncontrollable Jerking of Limbs / Microwave Burns
- Neurological Damage / Overwhelming Fatigue
- Ringing in the Ears
The psychological toll of this human rights violation is also huge. Imagine being under constant surveillance and tortured wherever you go. Sabotage of reputation and belongings at home, work and automobile while a targeted person is away. Family life is destroyed. Work performance is affected. Jobs and livelihood are lost. Some have committed suicide.
Whenever these crimes are reported to local or Federal Police, the victim is labelled as mentally ill. Therefore, the perpetrators continue freely with their torture campaign on many, many others.
What can you do ?
First, educate yourself, visit the flowing websites:
What is organised stalking?
“Everyone has mishaps. Some are petty, like a leaky pen or spilled food, or finding your car blocked in your driveway by a vehicle with the driver absent. Some are serious, like losing all your engine or transmission oil on a long road trip. Organized Stalking is the deliberate creation of "mishaps" sometimes several times a day, every day, of the life of the organized stalking target, by groups of citizens who take turns harassing the designated target. Today's well scripted and highly networked stalking groups can totally destroy the life of a target, while if the target complains, he or she is likely to be regarded as mentally ill because so many of the attacks look like life's normal mishaps. This crime is therefore covered up seamlessly by the mental health system. Make no mistake - some of these "mishaps" are very serious and destroy the target's reputation, credibility, ability to earn a living, and family and business relationships. The telling aspect of organized stalking as opposed to normal life is the frequency of these "mishaps." Stalking groups now target around one person in every hundred, and nowadays, you do not have to be "somebody special" to be targeted. Many targets do not know why they are being targeted. Furthermore, these stalking groups: - Are networked all across North America (and in fact, most other countries, from reports) and truly believe they are doing great community service, based on vicious lies constantly fed them by their leaders - they do not see themselves as criminals (some see themselves as called by God to harass and torture) - Follow the target wherever the target travels or moves, and that includes institutions such as prisons and hospitals - Torture and kill animals and pets, sometimes leaving them on the doorstep of the target - never stop harassing the target in almost every case. Harassment often continues through painful illnesses and right up to the death of the target. The systematic corruption of government and quiet destruction of Constitutional freedoms by these groups has allowed organized stalking to spread and grow, particularly starting in the
It is very important that the victims of these crimes against humanity speak with one voice, and one way of doing that is to collect data on their experiences, to enable trends and patterns to be shown. There are a huge number of victims of this persecution around the World, often living in isolation. By gathering their responses in one place, the fact that there are many of them becomes their strength.
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